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What types of fellow travelers are there in the railway and how to avoid trouble?

Train travel is full of romance and adventure. It doesn't matter if you bought a compartment ticket or a reserved seat, you will have to go with other people. Your comfort during the trip directly depends on which fellow travelers will go with you. Especially if you are traveling on a long-distance train and you will have to spend several days or even a week in the company of a stranger. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the main types of fellow travelers and information on how to behave in order to avoid trouble.

Nice neighbor

This is the most desirable kind of fellow travelers. Distinguished by good breeding and delicacy. He greets, takes his place, is friendly. Not prone to long conversations, does not smoke every 5 minutes. He doesn't bother you unnecessarily, but at the same time he behaves affably and can support a conversation. Does not claim your space. When he gets out at his stop, he does not leave garbage behind, he says goodbye. 


From the first minutes of his stay on the train, he will try to establish contact. Most often, middle-aged men and elderly women are distinguished by their zeal for intimate conversations. They can talk about anything: discussing the weather, politics, travel specifics, prices. Many older people like to be nostalgic and say that it was definitely better before. Talkers will find dozens of topics and will maintain a conversation (or rather, a monologue) even if their interlocutor is little interested or completely silent.

But it's even worse if a "truth-teller" gets hooked on you. Such people usually mercilessly criticize everyone left and right. He will express his dissatisfaction with absolutely everything. It should be noted that such passengers often quarrel with the conductors, and because of some little things. 

If you are not inclined to long conversations with strangers, gently hint about it. You can say that you want to take a nap or you need to work a little. The main thing is to do it gently, but confidently. 

But the measures of the "struggle" with the so-called truth-tellers will be different. They should clearly and directly say that you do not want to continue the conversation on the topic that he "promotes". You can also answer that everything suits you. Protect personal boundaries, but do not engage in open conflict.   


The long journey in the train is not an easy test. But some passengers know how to stop worrying about it. They take with them an impressive supply of alcohol and begin searching for a drinking companion. Drunken conversations and conflicts (and they will start sooner or later) interfere with other passengers. 

Alas, you will not have to rely on a guide. Only violent passengers who pose a danger to others are disembarked from trains. And it's unlikely that an alcoholic will listen to you. Especially if there are two or more of them. You can ask your neighbors to be quieter when drunk, but you should not hope for a positive result. The main thing is not to run into a conflict.

Too generous fellow traveler

It's nice when a new acquaintance tries to treat you with something delicious. But it's quite another thing when a fellow traveler covers a feast for the whole world and insistently wants to feed you. Often such passengers take with them a supply of food for the whole car, and choose the most "fragrant" dishes. It is especially difficult to be with the breadwinner on hot days when the smell of food spreads quickly. 

Overly generous fellow travelers often do not know how to accept refusals. They perceive each «no» almost as a personal tragedy. In order not to conflict with the "breadwinner", delicately refuse and state the reason. For example, you don't like a certain product, have allergies, or are forced to follow a diet. A fellow traveler will not react violently to such a refusal, but rather a sympathetic nod of the head.     

Lovelaces and coquettes

Such fellow travelers are rare, but aptly. For them, seducing strangers is considered something akin to sports. Therefore, they are trying to find a "victim" and have a short affair. If you are not interested in an affair, then tell me directly about it. When a flirting fellow traveler hears this, in most cases he will stop communicating with you. But if you are uncomfortable in the company of him, try to swap seats with other passengers. 

If your traveling companion is too persistent, then worry about who can do you a favor. To do this, ask a representative of the opposite sex to swap places. Try to explain the situation briefly, but carefully and delicately.

Mother with active children

Staying in the same carriage with one noisy child can turn a trip into a nightmare. But often parents try to calm children down and talk about the rules of behavior in public places. However, not everyone is distinguished by such responsibility. If the children are making noise, and the mother does not react to it, you can make a remark. Moreover, the outcome can be any: a woman will go to a meeting and ask the child not to make noise, or on the contrary, she will start arguing with you. She may ignore your request altogether. It makes sense to contact the conductor, but he does not cope with such situations in all cases.

Business travel companion

Such passengers are usually found in the compartment. They carefully hang up their suit, lay out documents and gadgets on the table. But the most unbearable thing is the constant conversations on the phone. On the one hand, it prevents you from relaxing and focusing on your business. But at the same time, a business travel companion behaves relatively decently, so he usually has nothing to make a remark for.

How to protect yourself on a trip

Unfortunately, you may become a victim of a dangerous traveling companion. He can attack you, harass you, or rob you. The probability is low, but it is there. To prevent this from happening, remember the safety rules. Even if you are traveling alone, you need to show that you are always in touch with your family. If you have a suspicious traveling companion, arrange by phone that you will be met. In no case do not show that you are transporting a large amount of money or valuables. 

There are some signs that will help you more likely to identify a dangerous traveling companion:

  • drunk, with a stock of alcoholic beverages;
  • luggage does not meet the stated goals (for example, if a person says that he is going on vacation, but carries only a package or a purse with him, then this is a reason to think);
  • a fellow traveler with friends in neighboring sections (attackers often unite in groups and buy tickets to different compartments in order to rob more people on the one hand, and on the other not to attract attention to themselves);
  • finger tattoos most often speak about a person's prison past;
  • aggressiveness, excessive desire to get the attention of a fellow traveler.

Women should be on their guard with men who are too actively trying to get acquainted or make indecent proposals. Especially if it is accompanied by aggression. Try not to stay in a closed compartment with a stranger. Warn him in advance that you want to leave the doors open. You can motivate this by excessive stuffiness or panic fear of closed spaces. 

However, if you are in a compartment with loved ones, then on the contrary, you should lock yourself in a compartment. This will significantly reduce the risk of becoming a victim of a dangerous traveling companion.

In case of any unpleasant situations, do not be afraid to attract a guide. Try to remember your fellow travelers as much as possible. Especially those that you do not trust. If he attacks you or steals something, it will be easier for you to identify him.

It is impossible to predict which fellow travelers you will meet on the train. Remember that traveling with your company significantly reduces the risks of traveling with unpleasant neighbors.

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