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Life hack: how to get an extra vacation.

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additional vacation

November-December is the period when you need to start planning your vacation at work. As a rule, employers require to provide information about this in order to correctly distribute the load between departments. Therefore, it is already worth considering what kind of vacation you will spend on travel, what kind of vacation you will spend in the country and how you can extend your vacation.

Of course, the answer to our main life hack lies on the surface. We use the production calendar correctly and at the expense of holidays we have more rest. In order not to be unfounded, we will tell you more actively.

According to Russian law, everyone has at least 28 days a year on vacation. Some areas provide their employees with more time to rest, up to 35 days a year. For clarity, we will take 28 days, of which one must be at least 14. Thus, it can be divided into two: two weeks each, or three weeks and one. Or take one vacation for two weeks and two more for a week. Of course, you can completely take 28 days off, but in our case we do not consider this option.

Let's start from January. Officially, the whole country is resting from November 1 to November 8. You can prolong the pleasure by taking an additional 2 days of vacation, so you will rest for 12 days. At the same time, you can have time to visit not only all relatives, but also go to a ski resort, or bask in the sun. Of course, prices in this period will be at a height, and their decline will just be after the 9th. Therefore, why not take advantage of this and spend at least 4 days after the holidays on a mini-trip.

According to the same scheme, we take 4 days of vacation in February and March. From 25 to 28 February and from 10 to 13 March. Thus, it comes out on a full week of rest. As a result, we took 10 days out of the total vacation. Since there is only a week gap between the official weekends at a given time period, you can use one such week and put a huge emphasis on the May holidays. There is another option how to use the holiday. Take a vacation before the holidays for a week, and the rest will be increased by one day.

additional vacation

Unfortunately, the May holidays of the twentieth year are not as luxurious as in 2019. We officially rest from May 1 to May 5 and on the 11th. If you write an application on the 6th-8th, then you have as many as 11 days at your disposal.You can extend this pleasure up to 17 days by taking an additional 4 days of paid vacation from the 12th to the 15th. In fact, two applications for 5 paid days give you the opportunity to go on a pretty big vacation.

If you look closely at June, the official holiday is on the 12th and it's Friday. Here are several options for how to link to a vacation. Either 4 days before or a week after, in any case an additional day of rest. But November is a little more interesting, since the fourth number falls on Wednesday. But you can make an additional small rest by taking two days before and after at the expense of paid leave. Therefore, it is quite possible to make a mini-trip for 3-5 days in November.

Of course, such an interesting scheme has its own small drawbacks.

When we talked about which days should be taken on account of paid leave, we mainly touched on weekdays. But an interesting fact is that it is during the weekend that employees receive more money when calculating vacation pay. Therefore, by agreement with the employer, you can generally take a vacation from Saturday to Monday. You will be paid more for these three days than on weekdays. At the same time, the number of vacation days will decrease. Therefore, when trying to make yourself an additional vacation, you need to take into account how economically it will be beneficial for you. And by the way, this is absolutely legal, but in order to avoid conflicts with the leadership, it is worth stipulating this in advance.

need extra vacation

And one more thing that can unnerve the employer, and in particular the accountant. A million vacation applications. Therefore, there is a high probability that I will persuade you to take it for a whole week, or reduce the number of applications. If you take a vacation during the holidays, then in the end you still have to extend it by the number of holidays. There is no financial benefit in this case, as well as in getting an additional bonus in the form of rest.

As you can see, additional vacation can be obtained by combining holidays and annually paid days. Of course, approval with the management or accountant will be required, but according to the law, you have the right to take such a "tricky" vacation. At least there are no laws prohibiting this.

Also, you should pay attention not only to the days, but also to tickets. As a rule, during the holidays, the prices of railway tickets are rising and there is no point in expecting them to fall. Since during the holidays, the demand for any trip will be great. Therefore, start planning your vacation and your travels now. Recall that tickets go on sale on average 90 days before the expected date of the trip. And if you know more ways how you can «cunningly» build your vacation, share in the comments. Anyone who wants to rest more will benefit from your opinion.

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