yandex metrika

How do I add "favorite routes"?

For the convenience of travelers who prefer permanent travel destinations, the site offers the service "Favorite routes" for quick search of trains and available seats. 

How do I work with my favorite routes on the search results page?

Authorized users in their Personal Account configure the display of their favorite routes in the drop-down list when clicking the "From" field. The number of routes added is not limited, but at the same time, when searching for tickets in the drop-down menu, you will see only the last 3.

On the issue page, you can mark your favorite route by clicking on the heart icon next to its name. For unauthorized users, favorite routes are stored in the cookies of the browser used. 

To work with your favorite route, just select its name in the drop-down menu and carefully analyze the tips, choosing the best option.

The route is disabled by clicking on the dark heart icon on the line corresponding to its name again; after that, it will no longer appear in the prompts.

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