The branded train "Caucasus" has been running since 1963, we offer you to get to know it better, its history, services and other amenities.
Train history
Many passengers who have been traveling for years, before buying a ticket, want to study the history of the train, because it is very interesting. The Caucasus started moving for the first time in 1963 from the Moscow railway station. The destination, as today, was the city of Kislovodsk.
Previously, he drove through the territory of Ukraine through Kharkiv, but after the collapse of the USSR, the route had to be adjusted. Memorable name «Caucasus » and red trailers with beautiful letters made of metal appeared since 1967.
In the late 70s, it lost its beauty and merged with other Soviet trains of green color. Only the light yellow stripes at the windows reminded of the former showiness.
Since 1996, it has been transferred to the Moscow-Rostov-on-Don route. Also at this time, the train moved from the Kursk railway station to Paveletsky.
Strangely, due to the above changes, the travel time decreased by two hours, although the mileage increased. And that's all because long stops at the new borders were removed. In 2000, he moved to the Kazan railway station.
In 2017, the train became a double-decker.
Main route
The direction of the train 003C: Kislovodsk — Moscow.
Route 004M: Moscow region — Kislovodsk.
Large settlements that meet along the way: Ryazan, Rostov, Armavir, Minsk. Waters, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki. The route Kislovodsk – Moscow takes 24 hours 46 minutes, from the Moscow region to Kislovodsk – 24 hours, 6 minutes.
The train runs every day, so it is not difficult to buy tickets for any date.
However, if you want to get a profitable place, it is better to book it in advance.
The composition of the Caucasus
The composition is as follows: compartments and sleeping cars, a staff car, special cars for the disabled, as well as a restaurant car.
Advantages of the train
Advantages of this train:
In each car of the train called "Caucasus":
The headquarters car is equipped with satellite communication and navigation devices.
Learn more about the numbering of seats on this famous train:
The lower seats of the compartment, as before, are odd, the upper ones are even.
Train Features
Each train has its own characteristics, and the Caucasus is no exception.
Speed, that's what first catches the eye of passengers. High speed of movement, will please everyone. In order to overcome the distance between Kislovodsk and the Moscow region, it will take a min. amount of time, according to official data from Russian Railways, the journey will take no more than 21 hours.
Favorable offers. This train was included in the well-known program of "Dynamic Price Education". Therefore, passengers can buy tickets at a minimum price on certain days. As the seats in the cars of the Caucasus are filled, and in case of increased demand, the tariff plan will be increased several times. However, this happens extremely rarely, so many people can save money.
The main service. Each car has air conditioning systems, toilets, stairs, energy-saving lighting devices, special inter-car type transitions, special video cameras. All cars are equipped with high-quality double-glazed windows.
All cars of this train have Internet (access is provided in the 3G coverage area of Megafon OJSC).
Each compartment car has four places to sleep, two electrical outlets, a mirror, a table, shelves for small things. There are also mini-lamps for reading and other personal needs.
In double compartments (sleeping car), each passenger seat is equipped with a liquid crystal display for viewing various programs. You can enter the compartment only by means of special magnetic key cards, so people don't have to worry about their safety.
The ticket price includes bed linen, sanitary and hygienic kit, provision of hot dishes and water for drinking (food is not provided at the night travel site).
There is a standard dining car on the train called "Caucasus". Those passengers who go to Kislovodsk or, conversely, are already returning to their native penates, are offered various snacks and hot dishes, as well as salads and desserts, various drinks. If you want to have breakfast, lunch or dinner without leaving the compartment, you can order any food and drinks with delivery. Products are brought quickly, but it is expensive.
The highest level of service quality. The conductors who work on the route of the train "Caucasus" have received the necessary training and know how to behave in a given situation. Professionalism, quality of service are confirmed by numerous positive reviews of customers who have chosen a two-storey train Moscow – Kislovodsk.
Employees always monitor the condition of beds and free space, during the cleaning and tell about the best offers.
About the convenience of the Caucasus
The train is new, clean, lots of toilets, so you can forget about the constant queues. Inside the toilets, too, everything is clean, everything you need is present (toilet paper, soap, air freshener). Upon landing, a special set is provided, in which there are disposable slippers, toothpaste, a brush, a spoon for shoe products and a wet napkin. Even when purchasing tickets, you can immediately order meals, which is very convenient if a person is traveling far away. The dishes are served really delicious, so it's hard to find a free seat in the restaurant car.
The air conditioner works well, neither cold nor hot. A huge disadvantage can be considered a small compartment, a simple passenger needs to change clothes and climb on the top shelf to put his things, and the neighbor from below will have to go out into the corridor, otherwise he will not turn around. Mattresses are new, high-quality, pillows and blankets are also civil. Wagon sofas also differ in comfort. It is convenient that when you are not sleeping, you just put the backrest.
About the branded train "Caucasus", one thing can be said, tickets for it are worth the money.
Yes, of course many passengers want to get everything at once, but there are enough amenities for a pleasant trip.